Types of Standards
A ‘withdrawn’ status indicates that a document is no longer relevant, or its designation has changed. There are no replacement Standards for withdrawn Standards.
A publication can be withdrawn if:
- it is not up-to-date technically;
- does not reflect current practice or research;
- it is not suitable for new and existing applications (such as products, systems, or processes); and/or
- it is not compatible with current views and expectations regarding quality, safety, and the environment.
For withdrawn Standards there is no superseded or replacement publication from Standards Australia however, there may be separate Standards by Standards Australia, or other Standards Development Organisations which covers similar content.
In summary, withdrawn means we will not undertake any review or revision work for this Standard indefinitely.
The general reason why Standards are withdrawn is because they have not undergone a review for an extended period of time, and cannot be verified as “Current”. Please see here for more information regarding the Aged Standards Review.
Withdrawn publications can still be used within an industry, community or government if they choose to do so. For example, this can happen when there are no replacement documents readily available. Withdrawn publications are still available for purchase.
A superseded status indicates a publication has been replaced by a more recent document. For example, AS 1234:2015 will supersede AS 1234:2010.
In some cases, the older document may be superseded by a new document with a different designation (AS number) and title.
In other cases, a publication will only be partly superseded. The earlier edition will remain current until there are replacements available that cover all the content of the original Standard.
Available superseded indicates that a document has been made available for a period of time, despite it being formally superseded by another document. It may be maintained because it is being used by a certifying body, or referenced in legislation/regulations (e.g., the National Construction Code) or other publications.
Standards Australia takes no responsibility for the ongoing technical validity of such a document. It is up to government authorities to decide whether available superseded products should be referenced in legislation/regulation.
When an available superseded publication is being used as the basis for certification, the publication must be available until the relevant certification of all organisations has lapsed.
Pending Revision indicates that Standards Australia has identified the need for revision of the Standard due to its age.
Generally, we conduct a review or a Standard in a period of 5 – 10 years, however we are moving to shorten this review period over time. Following any changes, a new revision of the document will be published.
Additionally, there may be times where a revision happens in a shorter period due to a proposal for revision that has been brought forward.
If you would like to find more details about the status of a revision project, please contact our Customer Success team here.
You can find information about Standards Development and our proposal process here, and more information about proposal submission here.
After a document has been published, the committee could be presented with new information or errors may be found in the published document. When this occurs, an amendment to the document is issued.
An amendment is published as a stand-alone document, and the correct text is meant to replace the existing text in the Standard.
Later versions of the full Standard will be published with the amended text already incorporated. This will be reflected in the title, cover page and preface.
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